Does a Hangover Get Better in the Sauna? (Traditional, Steam, and Infrared)

Saunas can help relieve hangover symptoms by causing sweating to eliminate toxins; however, if you are already thirsty, you should exercise carefully. Spas are well known for their natural beneficial abilities, which include improving cardiac health and helping in detoxification.

Before utilizing a hot bath to cure dizziness, make sure you are well-hydrated and clear of any illnesses. Other headache cures include drinking lots of water, eating lots of carbohydrates, and getting enough rest. As we examine how spas might help with migraine cures and other practical solutions, keep reading.

What is a hangover, and how can it affect you?

A hangover is defined as a series of unpleasant physical and psychological symptoms that follow excessive drinking, according to the National Institute on Addiction and Alcoholism (NIAAA). These are usually the signs that appear when your blood alcohol content gets closer to zero. Although each person’s symptoms are different in terms of intensity and length, they are usually unpleasant enough to test the stamina of the most powerful people. The following are typical hangover symptoms:

  • Headaches that pound.
  • Extreme fatigue or sleepiness.
  • Vomiting, nausea, or an upset stomach.
  • Dizziness is a feeling that the environment revolves around.
  • Increased sensitivity to sound and light.
  • unstable emotions, irritation, or depressive symptoms.
  • Dry lips and a lack of water.

Headaches may seriously disrupt your daily routine. Understandably, we are continuously looking for that mythical cure to either bring back normal or at least ease our suffering. Sadly, there’s no magic bullet for a bad headache. But if you’ve had a late-night drink, sauna use could help reduce the residual effects.

Why do hangovers occur?

A hangover, which is characterized by sleepiness and poor concentration, can occur after consuming alcohol. A hangover is defined as a variety of uncomfortable signs and symptoms that appear after consuming a large quantity of alcohol, according to the Mayonnaise Clinic. An individual’s tolerance to alcohol mostly determines the impact of a migraine.

A single drink may give some people a headache, while bigger drinks can go up without causing problems the following day. The more alcohol one drinks, the more likely one is to have a headache, which usually shows itself in the form of a considerable drop in blood alcohol concentration or almost zero upon waking. Weakness, intense thirst, headaches, nausea that causes vomiting, and lightheadedness are typical hangover symptoms.

What is the average duration of a hangover?

Up to 72 hours after consuming alcohol, headaches can still occur; however, many people get relief from their symptoms before this point. The length of time that nausea lasts depends on how much alcohol is consumed and how much dehydration occurs during drinking. Furthermore, many variables, including taking drugs, general health, and liver function, might affect how severe and long the hangover symptoms last.

See more: What Should I Wear In a Sauna Blanket? (To Promote Better Outcomes!)

Sauna Benefits: How They Can Help With Hangovers

Is sauna good for hangover
Is sauna good for hangovers

Several possible benefits of sauna use might help reduce nausea symptoms. Among them are:

  • Detoxification: Saunas, especially the infrared variety, raise body temperature to a high level, which helps you sweat out toxins from alcohol.
  • Enhanced Circulation: Sauna treatments encourage greater oxygenation and blood flow, which regenerates the body and restores energy.
  • Pain Relief: Saunas reduce inflammation and relax tense muscles, providing a break from headaches and digestive pains that are frequently linked to headaches.
  • Improved Sleep: Infrared sessions help people relax and reduce tension, which makes them excellent for getting a better night’s sleep after a night of alcohol.
  • Reduction of Anxiety: Steam rooms offer a place of relaxation, relieving the physical pain and psychological strain that accompany hangovers.

Can saunas cure hangovers?

Sauna after hangover
Sauna after hangover

Saunas are highly valued for their therapeutic qualities, especially in European cultures. They are wonderful places to unwind and be alone, and they offer several health advantages, including cleansing and cardiac enhancement. Because hot tubs can help the body rid itself of toxins from alcohol, they are frequently used as a hangover cure. If one stays well hydrated before, during, and after the session, it is thought that sweating may reduce infrared sauna hangover symptoms.

But there isn’t enough scientific proof to back up this theory. People with existing medical disorders, particularly those about the heart, ought to speak with a doctor before utilizing a steam room. Infrared usage is not advised for people who are severely dehydrated since it may worsen fluid loss due to more sweating.

It is recommended, under such circumstances, to replace the electrolytes and fluids lost with water or energy drinks. There are many different kinds of saunas, such as steam, infrared, and conventional saunas; the one that works best for treating hangover symptoms will depend on the individual. Try a variety of sauna kinds; it could take some trial and error to find which is best.

Can you sober up in a sauna?

After a night of drinking too much, a hangover usually consists of dehydration, headaches, nausea, and sluggishness. The sauna is a popular spot to “sweat it out” according to a traditional proverb, when you’re feeling under the weather. By allowing alcohol toxins to be released through perspiration, spa time can help people sober up.

Ten percent of alcohol is eliminated through breathing, perspiration, and urine, with the remaining 90% being processed in the liver, according to experts. You should always be well hydrated before, during, and after a hot bath that is meant to help you sober up. Before utilizing the sauna, those with heart disease or other medical issues should speak with a doctor to avoid negative effects.

Does alcohol cause toxins to sweat out?

Your body may sweat out some alcohol toxins, depending on how much you’ve drunk. On the other hand, sweating out a small portion of the whole consumption is not very significant.  Studies show that normal biological mechanisms should eliminate only approximately 10% of the alcohol ingested by the liver.

Other methods for overcoming a hangover

Are saunas good for hangovers
Are saunas good for hangovers

Bath time can help wash out toxins from alcohol, but it can also cause more dehydration. Here are some other fast cures for hangovers:

  • Hydrate: Consume lots of water because drinking alcohol tends to boost urine production by blocking the release of the hormone vasopressin, which controls kidney function. Drinking water and other drinks is crucial to avoiding hangover symptoms.
  • Eat carbs: Since alcohol can cause blood sugar levels to drop, it’s critical to raise them again. Even a simple slice of toast containing sugar might help reduce nausea and relax the stomach when suffering from a hangover.
  • Take painkillers: Painkillers like ibuprofen can help reduce headaches and physical signs related to hangovers. But stay away from Tylenol (antibiotics), as it might worsen liver damage when used with alcohol.
  • Get enough sleep: Give your body enough time to heal by obtaining lots of sleep. Getting more sleep can help the body heal itself and make you feel better all around.
  • “Hair of the dog”: This expression describes taking another alcoholic drink to temporarily relieve headache symptoms. But if you keep doing this, you risk continuing the cycle of dependence because it is only a temporary fix.
  • Cold shower: Having a cold shower might help you recover from a headache by reducing warmth and perspiration.
  • Keep a container nearby: Make sure you have a container or plastic bag on hand in case of an emergency, especially if you’re feeling sick. Having backup plans is always preferable! Get out of the shower and give yourself time to recover if you begin to feel sick.
  • Try using essential oils: They may be really helpful friends while you’re healing. Fragrances like grapefruit, wintergreen oil, or menthol may be inhaled to help reduce the effects of exhaustion and maybe ease headaches.

Final thoughts

To help the body sweat out the toxins causing your hangover symptoms, an infrared sauna might be helpful. Infrared spas also work well to promote relaxation and reduce tension, which helps lessen hangover symptoms. Choosing an infrared bath offers a non-invasive method of reducing headache symptoms. Do not forget to properly hydrate yourself before, during, and after your workout by consuming lots of water.

See more: Sauna Use During Fasting (Water, Dry, and Limited)


The most frequently asked questions are given below:

Can I go to the sauna after drinking alcohol?

Simply put, alcohol should never be consumed near a sauna. Saunas and alcohol are not a good combination, whether you’ve had one drink or are sober after the previous night’s activities.

Can you drink in an infrared sauna?

Keep in mind to stay hydrated. Sweating in an infrared sauna indeed reduces our fluid stores. Before, during, and after using an infrared steam room, be sure you consume enough water or other nutritious liquids. Avoid consuming alcohol in a steam room as well.

Is it better to drink before or after the sauna?

After your steam room, keep celebrating by waiting for your body temperature to return to normal and drinking plenty of water. Bathrooms are great for your health, but since they put your body under stress from the heat, it’s better to avoid drinking alcohol before, just after, or during a sauna session.

See more: What to Wear in a Sauna (Proper Outfits & Useful Tips)

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